exclusive industrial communication|工業専門の通訳翻訳




Let’s Learn Subtraction/ 算数の時間です

Hunza, Pakistan
Hunza, Pakistan

I had a chance to visit an elementary school in a small border town of Pakistan a several years ago, a couple of years after Taliban regime had collapsed.  Two teachers took care of about 30 students in this school.  It was a nice and warm day.  Everyone stayed outside and studied in the sun.  The boy in the picture was learning Math.  His worn out textbook demonstrated subtraction using pictures.  There were pencils, phones, flowers, crabs, cups, turtles, airplanes and guns.  He was learning subtraction counting guns.  I asked boys and girls what they would do when they grew up.  Many girls answered teachers.  The boy in the picture answered a soldier.

Pakistan, as we all know, has experienced violence for long time domestically as well as with neighboring and the third party countries in the recent history.  Where there is nothing stable, children stay in school as much as possible for their future, for their better future.  I wish that the children will live in a world where there is no violence or hatred, and a boy doesn’t have to count guns at school.

パキスタンの国境の村Hunzaの小さな小学校を訪れる機会がありました。タリバン政権が崩壊した2,3年後でした。全校生徒30人程度のその学校では、2人の先生がすべての児童のお世話をしていました。天気のいいその日は外でそれぞれの勉強をしていました。写真の児童は算数の勉強。くたびれた教科書で絵を数えながらの引き算を勉強していました。下から鉛筆、電話、お花、カニ、カップ、亀、飛行機、鉄砲? 児童たちに将来何になりたいか聞いてみました。女の子は学校の先生、この少年は兵隊になりたいと話していました。
